So I was happily banging away at my control code to manage these servos. I kept seeing that the code was running. I sent lots and lots of new servo locations to the servos and it just did not move the servos. After some investigation into my logs and trapping lots of PhidgetExceptions. I figured out what the issue was. Like a good little OOP'er I had contained my reading of the Advanced Servo Controller 8 port's properties in an object and then a different handles the executions. Here in lay the problem, the properties of a given servo such as velocity which has no setter (mistake in the documentation) are not exposed until the motor is in engaged.
So I wrote the following code to fix that. These are not threadsafe, you have to make sure that you are not engaged at the wrong time. It will make all kinds of wacky stuff happen.
Viewing code:
public double GetServoPosition(int servoIndex)
double position=-1;
AdvancedServoServo ass=null;
}catch(Exception exc)
throw new Exception(className+" public double GetServoPosition( "+ servoIndex+" ) :: "+exc.Message);
return position;
Motion code:
///Servo reset code:
/// move a servo to a new position
/// index of the servo to move /// new position, should be 0-100 ///bool if the servo is now in the correct position
public bool MoveServo(int ServoIndex, int newpos)
bool movedOk = false;
AdvancedServoServo curr = null;
double pos = 0.01 * newpos * (basicServoMax - basicServoMin) + basicServoMin;
if (pos > basicServoMax){pos = basicServoMax - 1;}
if (pos < basicServoMin){pos = basicServoMin + 1;} if (aServo0.Attached && ServoIndex<4) { curr = aServo0.servos[ServoIndex]; } if (aServo1.Attached && ServoIndex > 3)
curr = aServo0.servos[ServoIndex];
if (curr != null)
curr.Engaged = true;
if (Math.Abs((curr.Position - pos) / curr.Position) > 0.03)
curr.Position = pos;
//disengage the servo when we are not moving it
curr.Engaged = false;
catch (Exception exc)
if (LogEvent != null)
LogEvent(className + " public bool MoveServo( " + ServoIndex + " , " + newpos + ") :: " +
exc.Message + "\n", false);
throw new Exception(className + " public bool MoveServo( " + ServoIndex + " , " + newpos +
") :: " +
exc.Message + "\n");
return movedOk;
} //MoveServo
/// try to reset the servo, when it throws phidgets exceptions, set it to a safe midpoint
/// servo to reset void resetServo(AdvancedServoServo srvo)
srvo.Engaged = true;
double midpoint = (basicServoMax - basicServoMin) / 2 + basicServoMin;
srvo.Acceleration = 1000;
srvo.Position =midpoint;
srvo.Engaged = false;
}catch(Exception exc)
LogEvent(className + " void resetServo(AdvancedServoServo) :: "+exc.Message, false);
Another thing, that you have to make sure that you consider is that there are hard to document dead zones in each servo. They are sometimes inherent to the servo design, but each servo can have multiple in different places. I would make sure that if you hear this tell-tale clicking sound when the motor tries to move to the right place and then corrects ad nauseum... that you trap this in your code. My experience is that this burns up your motor pretty quickly. These are toy or better than toy motors. Better motors are available but are more expensive.