At start up, the director sets all of its properties from the configuration files and starts the managers. The managers in my model are:
- instrumentation manager, im
- task manager, tm
- ai manager, aim
- stability manager, stab man
- communication manager, comm
- display manager, display
This can be relatively complicated since the observation system must be handled by the director. The data flows from the instrumentation manager to the stability manager (stab man observes im). Task managers observe the communication manager to queue jobs, they also watch the stability manager. The Instrumentation Manager also watches the task manager, but only because it also contains the servo manager. Tasks go from the stability manager to the task stack and are then sent to the servo manager.
I thought this was the best way because whether or not the communications manager has a command, the task queue will be populated. The servo manager will then grab tasks and handle them in a first come first served pattern. If a command expires by sitting in the queue too long it is dumped by the task manager when the servo manager pops it off of the queue. As the system becomes more complicated, there could be more queues to do more things. However, tasks that require moving a servo always go to the servo queue.
I have read the great MAV blog by Tom Pycke. He has lots of things to say on the topic of real time operations. However, my idea is that they are not really so important. I do agree with him that his way of dealing with garbled or miscommunicated commands to the MAV is pretty interesting. My way seems to be not so bad either. The system must be able to fly itself, you tell it a basic plan to fly along. Any command inputs from the ground station are "exceptions".
Exceptions are easier to manage because you do them as soon as possible. When they expire you stop doing them, the system still tries to make the best of the situation and go back to the plan. This guidance could make a complete mess that breaks everything, in the case of coordinates that are for a different city. Your system may start flying off in a crazy direction trying to get home. However, that is why there are a few directives that the director knows and is the only one that can execute.
I keep a few tasks in the clip for a special occasion. My "director-only" tasks are:
- shutdown
- go to safe altitude
- land immediately
- idle
The ai (artificial intelligence) manager is the basis for the flight state. It reads the preset," at least we have somewhere to go" map and determines which mission phase the system should be in. Mission state is important information because it will time the use of instrumentation or cameras, as well as when to hit the "panic" button. The stability manager uses this to set system configurations and movement regimes for the system.
A director class is a operator, directing the data from one manager to the other. The AI manager is where the state manager exists. More on the AIM later, check in tomorrow if I am feeling feisty and have not cut myself up or glued something good to the table.