Hopefully, that will help clean up your code by reducing the risk of double converting units. Even NASA makes this mistake. One of the first things that I set up is a library of unit converstion factors. That way it is less risky if the user wishes to see the measurements in , mks or cgs and my software interanlly uses US Customary slug-ft-lbf. I do not do any conversions in the code. Just read the electrical signals from the transducers and convert them to real units, consistent with the system. Do not try and convert back and forth within the code, it will just be miserable to find.
You convert to any system that is different than your base unit system until you display the data. You can easily set a flag in the display object that shows the data to the user and multiply out the measurements at presentation time via the decoration pattern. To be honest, the Phidgets API is awesome. It makes short work of connecting and managing their instruments, so the code to start an interface kit is not so different from the accelerometer.
if (acc0.Attached)
Console.WriteLine("_acc0 attached");
//accelerometer events
acc0.Attach += phidgets_Attach;
acc0.Detach += phidgets_Detach;
acc0.Error += phidgets_Error;
acc0.AccelerationChange += _acc0_AccelerationChange;
Console.WriteLine("retry : " + retry + " waiting for acc0 attach");
} while (retry < 10 && !acc0.Attached); #region helperMethods #region Phidgets event handlers ///
/// handle the phidget device discovery events
/// /// protected void phidgets_Attach(object Sender, AttachEventArgs Args)
Console.WriteLine(Args.Device.Type + " attached.");
catch (Exception _exc)
throw new Exception(className + " protected void phidgets_Attach( Sender, Args) :: " + _exc.Message +
} //phidgets_Attach
/// handle the phidget device discovery events
/// /// protected void phidgets_Detach(object Sender, DetachEventArgs Args)
Console.WriteLine(Args.Device.Type + " detached.");
catch (Exception _exc)
throw new Exception(className + " protected void phidgets_Detach( Sender, Args) :: " + _exc.Message +"\n");
} //phidgets_Detach
protected void phidgets_Error(object Sender, ErrorEventArgs Args)
Console.WriteLine("phidgets error : " + Args.Code + " " + Args.Description);
catch (Exception _exc)
throw new Exception(className + " protected void phidgets_Error( Sender, Args) :: " + _exc.Message +
} //phidgets_Error
/// reads the acceleration from the Phidgets accelerometer
/// accelerometer object/// essentially an array of three doubles, one for each direction measuredprotected void _acc0_AccelerationChange(object Sender, AccelerationChangeEventArgs Args)
rawAcc[Args.Index] = Args.Acceleration;
catch (Exception _exc)
className + " protected void _acc0_AccelerationChange( Sender, Args) :: " + _exc.Message + "\n"
} //_acc0_AccelerationChange
Another helper method that is constantly requested is converting from accelerations to roll and pitch. You can do the trigonometry yourself, but if gravitation is assumed to act in the -Z direction you can work out the basic orientation of the accelerating object. This can be fooled by large or quick orientation changes, but for the most part sampling frequency can fix this. So I would make sure that you do as little as possible that may muddy the event handler system. They are really fast and that is a good thing in this case.
/// calculate the euler angles from the local accelerations
/// acceleration toward the right wing, g [gravity multiples]/// acceleration toward the nose, g [gravity multiples]/// acceleration toward the ground, g [gravity multiples]/// headingprivate static void accel2euler(double Ax, double Ay, double Az, double Compass, out double[] EulerAngles)
EulerAngles = new double[3];
double g = Math.Sqrt(Ax * Ax + Ay * Ay + Az * Az);
/* Roll */
if (g != 0)
EulerAngles[0] = Math.Atan2(Ay/g, -Az/g);
EulerAngles[0] = Math.Atan2(Ay / 1, -Az / 1);
/* Pitch */
if (g != 0)
//EulerAngles[1] = Math.Asin(Ax/-g);
EulerAngles[1] = Math.Atan2(Ax / g, -Az / g);
EulerAngles[1] = Math.Atan2(Ax / 1, -Az / 1);
EulerAngles[2] = Compass; /* Yaw */
catch (Exception _exc)
throw new Exception(className + " public static void accel2euler( , " + Ax.ToString("0.000") + " , " +
Ay.ToString("0.000") + " , " + Az.ToString("0.000") + " , " +
Compass.ToString("0.000") + " ) :: " + _exc.Message + "\n");
The one thing you will notice is that you cannot get the yaw from the accelerations. That makes sense if you think about it, flat rotation perpendicular to gravity would not be measured. I usually run a compass in the systems too. That makes the 3-1-3 rotation easy to move between body reference frames and global reference frames. I would suggest that you multiply out the cells for the rotations in a separate method each so that you can just multiply them by calling each method in turn with an argument of the last rotation.